On Monday afternoon, Lasee posted this gem:
"The Green Bay Press Gazette editorial this weekend urges:
Democrats have conceded nothing on these three new taxes. They still want a $2.02 tax on every pack of cigarettes (not counting the federal tax). They still want the hospital tax. And Doyle wants lawmakers to discuss the transportation budget later, at which time you know he will stick to his guns on the "Big Oil" tax.
The GOP has taken much of the heat for not making more concessions to the other side. It's time for taxpayers to turn up the heat on Democrats. Let's hear it, Mr. Governor and friends: Why won't Democrats compromise with taxpayers?
The Republicans in the Assembly have already acted to fund K-12 schools before their budget deadline. It is time for the Democrats to make some concessions."
Lasee's post here is confusing for a number of issues. First, the link Lasee provides to this ground-breaking Green Bay Press Gazette column takes an eager reader straight to a screen informing him/her that the page does not exist. One would think that if Lasee is trying to make-up a story to suit his interests, he would choose (a) a publication more note-worthy than anything published in Green Bay, and (b) a story that actually suits his interests.
Another mind-blowing aspect of Frank's nugget of knowledge is the freight-train he rolls over logical argumentation. Frank is apparently upset over the fact that his party made concessions in the budget-making process, whereas the Dems have not. Unfortunately for our favorite special legislator, the story doesn't say jack. The Gazette lets us know that the Dems have not backed down on two demands, and the governor may want another to be met. Frank supports this with the claim that the Repubs acted to fund public schools.
Frank - listen up. If you want to turn this mess into an argument, here's what you need:
-A statement that you (well, not you really, because you're nothing more than a joke amongst your colleagues) funded public schools as a concession to the Democrats.
-An indication that your friends in the GOP are not 'sticking to their guns' on certain issues. When you are trying to compare one party to the other, as you do here, you need an affirmative showing that your party is not any more guilty than the other of your asserted 'crime.' As you can see, the very story you cite claims that your party is also refusing to make concessions. Why are you attempting to put the pressure solely on the Democrats, and not the entire political scene in Wisconsin? Come on Frank - help me, help you.
-Argumentation as to why the 'guns' being stuck to by the Democrats are bad for the state. Your average reader is put into a fun situation by your post. We know that Frank Lasee is pissed off becuase the Democrats are not backing away from certain policies that he disfavors. However, your average reader also knows that you support more guns in public schools and the mass migration of foreign lawyers into Wisconsin. You see, people have come to realize that your political ideas are ridiculous, at best, and generally retarded. When we see that you oppose something, we begin to favor them. You've got to work at solving this little problem of yours.
Zmarai Bashiri. Thousands of Afghans gathered to protestheader by Salihamidzic went wide. Ral then had a
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On Sunday, US Marine Special Forces who had just escaped
Mr. Bashiri,
I've been hanging here on a thread for a few days now waiting to find out what happened to the US Marine Special Forces who had just escaped, but it doesn't appear that information is forthcoming. I agree, though, that Lasee really isn't that bright.
Peace in the Middle East!
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