Monday, October 29, 2007

Franky Friday Monday

Frank posted here on Friday about the property tax cap veto.

"Property tax relief in sight for 2009. Local governments will be limited to 2% or new growth for their property tax levy."

Holy shit Frank, that sounds a bit like a compromise! Forgive my befuddlement at the prospect that you could hold two thoughts in your head simultaneously, much less two thoughts that aren't both knee-jerk representations of your silly point of view, but isn't this the sort of thing you've been bitching about for the last three months on your blog (when you should've been working on the budget)? I know, if you had your way, we'd just disband the whole government, return to a feudal system and make random nonsensical exhortations at members of the judicial branch, but it sounds like, instead, Wisconsin may have gotten its way! That's a cause for celebration, right? When's the Frank Party? I'll attend, in the spirit of Halloween, as an armed schoolteacher!

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