Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Here we are, and there he is

JP: we need to do something about lasee
JP: i'm starting to think franklaseeexplained.blogspot.com
Dr. Nugz: We definitely do - I was thinking about that this morning.
JP: whatisfranksaying.blogspot.com?
JP: franksandbeans?
Dr. Nugz: I'd think so - haha, beans
Dr. Nugz: Franksnotthatbright
Dr. Nugz: legislativeabortion
JP: laseesoundslikeloser
Dr. Nugz: youliedfrombench
JP: oh shit
JP: that's it
JP: i'm creating it in secured transactions
Dr. Nugz: Sweet - I can't wait for that one.
Dr. Nugz: That's a blog I might have to contribute to.
JP: for sure
JP: the name's available!
Dr. Nugz: Haha - what happened that we're the first people to think of this?
JP: i dunno
JP: ppl lack ambition
Dr. Nugz: If we're the folk that are used to demonstrate ambition, yeah - no question its lacking.
JP: mmmm
JP: i say we just go post for post with him
Dr. Nugz: I like it. Whenever there's a new one - whoever displays the most initiative gets to explain it?
JP: sure, or we both can take our shots if we're feeling industrious
JP: i think more IM convos are necessary too
JP: that seemed to hit a nerve
Dr. Nugz: No doubt, sometimes we've got shit to say.
Dr. Nugz: Haha, that's true. I don't think we can go wrong here.

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