It turns out that somebody in the world subscribes to Frank's weekly newsletter. Even more surprising, it seems that this person decided to write his/her thoughts to our favorite incompetent legislator. Frank, clearly impressed by the level of intelligence and thought displayed by the comment, posted the drivel on his blog. We're left with this:
"I think we have a responsibility to provide health care for those who cannot afford it. This does not mean everyone who does not have health insurance. If a person /family spends their money foolishly we should not have to pay their bills.If they buy a new car instead of buying health that's too bad for them. Let them sell their car and house if they were so foolish to waste their money.
Every man, woman and child has the responsibility to provide for themselves! If they do not do so , we should not have to pay for them.
I am tired of hearing people claim we owe them something for nothing. We owe them the right to work for it and NO MORE!"
It hurts. Hurts bad.
It appears that Frank and his band of imbeciles have figured out what's wrong with the system. Those that are unable to provide health insurance for their family have obviously spent their money on foolish shit - like cars, drugs, bitches, diamond-encrusted goblets, etc. For some reason, I'm not quite sure the world-view espoused by Lasee's minion is entirely accurate.
Note the obvious double-bind that Frank and his creature placed themselves in. Our society has a responsibility to pay for the health insurance of someone that can't afford it, unless they spend their money foolishly. Frank's policy thus far has been to provide health insurance to nobody, to leave it an entirely personal affair, regardless of finances. If Frank adopts the message provided by his minion, which he has presumably done given its publication, Frank now desires to give poor families the luxury of going to a doctor, provided that Frank is allowed to go through your financial statements from the past several years to determine whether or not you spend your money on stupid shit. You can say a lot of things about Frank, but he's going to make sure you'll never be able to call him consistent.
Let's talk about the foolish shit Frank doesn't want poor people spending their money on for a bit. If you're too poor to afford health insurance, Frank wants you to prove it to him. Sell your house, sell your car - do what you've got to do. Wait, what? Sell your house??! That's right - sell the fucker. You're not poor enough for our 'responsibility to provide health care' to kick in until your family is, quite literally, living in a cardboard box in an alley. Compassionate conservatism, anyone?
If y'all would be so kind, please point your attention to the second paragraph of the message. According to these cretins, the responsibility for health insurance coverage is on the shoulders of every man, woman or child that wants it. That's right - if you're 6 years old, and want to see the doctor about your boo-boo, Frank wants you to get a job, save your money, and buy the necessary insurance.
Quite obviously, child-labor laws must piss Frank off to no end. He's telling us that every child has a responsibility to fund their own health insurance. This is difficult, because children in Wisconsin can't work until their 14, and can't hold any meaningful employment until they're 16. What does that mean for little Billy, the able-bodied 11-year old who needs to go to the doctor, but can't afford coverage because the asshole Democrats wont let him get a great job at the foundry? It means - fuck you, Billy.
Maybe your parents shouldn't have blown their money on that house you live in. That'll teach 'em.
Diamond-encrusted goblets! No wonder I've been having so much trouble finding health care. I've wasted my funds building up my collection of crunk cups.
"Dr. Nugz,"
I wanted to give you a heads' up on something you may have failed to notice about my blog. Because I was growing bored of your juvenile broadsides against me, I decided to implement screening for anonymous posters on my livejournal. As such, nothing you've posted for weeks has actually ended up on my blog. And yet, you keep posting stuff. I don't quite get it. Maybe you simply didn't notice the message that appears when anonymous posters hit "submit."
The only other thing I could figure is that perhaps you just enjoy hurdling insults my way. Even if I'm the only one who would ever see anything you post, perhaps, for you, that's enough. Why you've chosen to target me this way I don't understand. Kimberly tells me that the instigation was the piece of constructive criticism I once left on the Seriatim blog. How that comment, which was generally complimentary about that blog, brought you to target me baffles me. Unless you really do have no life. In that case, I pity you.
Whatever the reasons for you behavior, since nothing you post will ever actually appear on my livejournal, I thought I would give you my email address. That way, if you want to continue cranking out derogatory language my way, you'll have a much more efficient and direct means of doing so. I check my email far more frequently than my livejournal, so you get your broadsides directly to me faster.
So, if you have so little of a life that you feel the need to devote yourself to the cause of insulting random people on the internet, I'm giving you my email address - wisconsin_moon_god-innsmouth AT yahoo DOT com. Feel free to insult me as often as you'd like there.
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